Friday, April 3, 2015

Homemade & Commercial Cleaning Products

Homemade cleaning products do not contain mysterious, hidden ingredients.

Cleaning products can contain different combinations of acids, chemicals and natural enzymes to disinfect surfaces and dissolve dirt. Commercial cleaning products are products, such as Ajax, Clorox and and Lysol, used for cleaning different surfaces. Homemade cleaning products can also have disinfecting and dirt-dissolving powers, but can be produced quite inexpensively compared to commercial cleaning products. When choosing whether to use commercial cleaners or make your own, keep in mind the pros and cons to both. Does this Spark an idea?

Advantages of Homemade Cleaning Products

Homemade cleaning products contain no mysterious, hidden ingredients; when you make your own product, you can ensure there are no toxic chemicals. For better cleaning success on unique surfaces at your home, with homemade products you are better able to experiment and adjust your solutions as necessary to obtain the best results. Most homemade cleaning solution are made with baking soda, water, vinegar, ammonia, borax and/or citric acid, all of which are safe for your home and better for the environment.

Disadvantages of Homemade Cleaning Products

Creating your own cleaning solutions requires more effort than picking up a product at the store. Whereas store products tell you what surfaces they work on, you will need to learn about which homemade ingredients react well on which surfaces in your home. Lack of knowledge about chemical reactions can lead to disaster. For example, vinegar cleans porcelain well, but destroys marble.

Advantages of Commerical Cleaning Products

Many commercial cleaning products contain effective ingredients that are very difficult to buy. With a commercial product, you won't need to worry about using the wrong solution on the wrong surface, as the product's label explains use it safely.

Disadvantages of Commerical Cleaning Products

Though commercial cleaning products contain some basic ingredients, such as citric acid and baking soda, that you use in making homemade cleaning solutions, they also contain ingredients that you have never heard of. Commercial cleaning products can contain chemicals or acids that emit toxic fumes, and the environmental impact and safety of the product is obscure. You can purchase "green" or natural cleaning products, though even some of these may contain hidden questionable chemicals.

Tags: products contain, cleaning products, cleaning products contain, cleaning products, your home, baking soda