Combine coupons with store sales and double-coupon days.
Use free printable online grocery coupons to save over 50 percent off your grocery bill. Using coupons for groceries can be time consuming, but it is worth it. Set aside time once a week to seek coupons on the Internet and clip them from flyers. Pop them into an organizer and you'll be ready to save money at the grocery store.
1. Buy a coupon organizer at the local dollar store. Usually, they are accordion shaped and are already labeled by different food categories. Keeping your coupons organized and at hand is half the battle in making it to the store with them.
2. Subscribe to the Sunday newspaper or buy one or two every Sunday. They always include coupon inserts.
3. Sign up on several popular coupon websites.,, Valpak, and are good sources of coupons. These sites all have printable coupons available for you to print out, file in your coupon organizer and take to the store with you. Also, check out your grocery store's website for printable coupons before leaving the house.
4. Organize your coupons by expiration date in each category. The items expiring soonest should be towards the front of each respective category. There should also be a "today's coupons" category in your organizer at the front. Put all the coupons you're planning to use for this shopping trip in that category. This way you won't have to shuffle through each category at the check out.
5. Visit the dollar store or discount store near you. Dollar store chains such as Dollar General accept manufacturer's coupons, and they carry national brands so you're not sacrificing anything. Check the store website before you leave the house in case there's a coupon or two you don't already have.
6. Before you get to the grocery store, plan your meals around what's on sale. Check you store's website and weekly circular. Pay attention to store specials. If you don't have a membership card to the grocery store, get one before you check out.
7. Find out if your store offers a double-coupon day. If it does, shop on that day each week.
8. After you've planned your meals, start shopping. Sometimes, you may have a coupon for a national brand item but with the discount from the coupon applied, the price of the item still comes out to more than the generic brand. Therefore, you should try generic brands whenever you can. Price the national brands with coupons against the generic brands to make sure you get the best deal.
9. Get in line at the checkout counter. Armed with your store membership card, coupons and any specials the store has offered, your grocery bill should be significantly reduced.
10. When you get home, save your receipt for at least a day. Sometimes, sweepstakes entries and prizes are available by going online and answering a survey about your shopping experience. The cashier also may have printed out coupons with your receipt based on your previous trips.
Tags: grocery store, store website, your grocery, Check store, Check store website