Corporate Marketing Job Description
Marketing involves presenting prepared goods to the intended consumers for the purpose of influencing them to part with their money in exchange for the same. The prevailing economic situations help to establish the policies and objectives of any corporate body; it is the success of these strategies that determines the survival of a corporation in the face of stiff competition.
Corporate Marketing
Corporate marketing is more of a philosophy than just a function; it is an umbrella term that entails several concepts including corporate branding, communications, identity and reputation. Corporate marketing ensures that various initiatives and messages are directed to the right target. In the face of tough competition, marketing is often the differentiating factor that helps organizations rise against competition, boost sales, enhance reputation and attain corporate objectives.
Corporate marketers develop the marketing philosophy for the business. Their job entails establishing strategies that would best address the organization's concerns; further, they need to implement these using appropriate channels and advertising avenues. This particular task incorporates evaluation of different media and vehicles to assess the best return on marketing investment. After careful assessment, recommendations are made and implemented. Marketing is an ongoing function which involves constantly monitoring the response of endeavors to ensure that the chosen strategies are appropriate or need to be tweaked to build a positive image and improve profitability.
Every company and marketing manager needs to devise strategies to establish their products/services as a brand to which people can associate attributes like quality, cost, convenience and value. The corporate manager is the real leader who must conceptualize the ideas that are going to be associated with the brand. The corporate manager's other functions include anticipating demand based on trends, identifying competition and strategies to outdo the competition, increasing market share and helping in the attainment of overall corporate marketing objectives. Corporate marketers are enablers; they should not just control the outgoing messages but enable the groups within the organization to connect with customers using social media and other tools.
Training and Skills
Ideal candidates should possess a bachelor's or master's degree with a focus on marketing; additional courses include management, business law, statistics and economics. With increasing competition, it would be wise to obtain certification in related disciplines like strategic marketing and business development. Any individual willing to pursue this career should direct efforts in securing internships; in order to advance to a managerial level, several years of experience is a certain prerequisite.
People with creativity, problem-solving skills, communication and motivation are good candidates. Managers should possess diplomacy and good judgment so they can leverage these skills to communicate persuasively through all levels of the organization.
The employment for marketing, sales, PR and advertising is expected to grow by 13 percent through 2018 and so is the competition for such jobs. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for marketing managers as of 2008 was $97,260.
Tags: corporate manager, Corporate marketers, Corporate Marketing, Corporate Marketing Description, Marketing Description, should possess, strategies that