Graphic art director jobs include traditional art skills as well as computer skills.
The job market for graphic art directors is broad-ranging, from fashion to installation art to print media. Job descriptions for graphic art directors require experience in computer art, print and installation. Graphic art jobs require knowledge, skill and abilities with traditional artistic media such as drawing, painting and photography. Graphic art directors need website communication experience and supervisory skills. Many recent art school graduates work as freelance artists on a project-by-project basis to build their portfolios.
Artists do not need a degree to work as a freelance graphic artist.
Some job descriptions for graphic art directors require a two- or three-year associate's degree. Most jobs require a four-year bachelor's degree and several years' experience. Students interested in graphic arts degree programs can consult the National Association of Schools of Art and Design for information on accredited schools. Programs in graphic arts expect the prospective student to demonstrate some art experience in the application process.
Salary varies according to education and job type. Contract work as a freelance graphic artist may be better paid than a salaried position. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics says that in 2008 the salary for art directors was between $54,000 and $108,000.
The graphic art industry has largely migrated from print materials to online communications. Specialized computer design services for businesses have a greater earning potential than traditional print media jobs such as for magazines and newspapers. Graphic art directors must have networks of artists in all media and be capable of employing their skills as needed. Graphic art directors must be familiar with online advertising to stay competitive in the changing job market.
An education in graphic arts can help you build your portfolio, which is necessary when applying for a graphic art director position. A portfolio should include examples of drawing, mixed media, two-dimensional art, three-dimensional art, and computer design skills. There is an increasing need for those working in the graphic arts to express their knowledge, skills and abilities in website design and mass-market communications.
Art Market Shifts
There are fewer print jobs as the graphic art shifts to web-based communications. The job description for graphic art directors includes marketing experience in photography and video, and experience in contracting artists. Experience in copy editing, copyrights and legal contracts is also desirable in an art director position.
Tags: graphic arts, Graphic directors, graphic directors, work freelance, computer design