Increase Sales in My Pizza Shop
Pizza shops continue to surpass the growth of overall restaurants with approximately 350 slices eaten per second, according to Many pizza shops, however, are located in smaller towns and less populated neighborhoods, which makes it a little more challenging to turn a profit from pizza sales. To increase sales in a pizza shop really isn't all that difficult if you can think creatively and outside the box.
1. Imprint your pizza shop's name and address on small inexpensive items, such as pencils or magnets, and give them away to every customer as a promotional tool. Do this during various holidays, special sporting events, and for back-to-school promotions.
2. Contact school districts in your area and ask them if they would be interested in selling your pizzas in their cafeteria during lunch time.
3. Start an advertising campaign by creating a full-color mini menu and send it out to the important neighborhoods and businesses in your area.
Tags: Increase Sales Pizza, Sales Pizza, your area