Thursday, December 11, 2014

Find Commercials From The '80s On The Internet

Spuds MacKenzie was a staple of commercials from the '80s.

The '80s were full of memorable, if embarrassing, styles, icons, fashions and entertainment. Perhaps nothing grabs our attention and brings us back a few decades like watching an ad for a product that we haven't eaten, seen or even thought about for 20 years. Whether motivated by boredom, a long-forgotten memory or an interest in your childhood, viewing those infamous commercials from the 1980s can truly bring you back to a world that seems to have existed in a vacuum with big hair and cheesy smiles.


1. Visit, which is dedicated to pop culture elements of the '80s and '90s. Not only can you can catch up on decades-old nostalgia, but you can also view many of the popular '80s commercials that were aimed at children by clicking on the page's "80s Ads" section. Popular cereals, video games, candy, snack and toy commercials can all be found on this site.

2. Visit to find '80s commercials that are categorized by product type, such as fashion (Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fashion), technology (Computer World), food (Foooooooooooood) and those that feature famous faces (Selling With the Stars).

3. Visit, which houses more random '80s commercials than the other websites. It mostly contains clips of commercials that you probably haven't seen or even thought about since the last time you saw them more than 20 years ago, such as old Subway commercials and the 1986 introduction to the Disney Channel. It also contains a mixture of '90s commercials.

4. Visit to see a diverse mix of ads, including everyday products, movie previews, TV show teasers, public service announcements and local/regionally aired ads. Retro Static also tells you how many commercials it has on file in every category, and allows you to search by keyword.

5. Visit to find the words to many of the popular jingles and slogans of the '80s, including Coors Light (It's the right beer now"), KFC ("Hit the road Jack, Kentucky Fried Chicken's got more got more got more got more") and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups ("You got chocolate in my peanut butter!" "You got peanut butter on my chocolate!"). The site also highlights which soon-to-be stars of the '90s appeared as unknowns in '80s commercials and programming, and also posts the old Saturday morning cartoon schedules from 1979 to 1990.

6. Go to and search the video database for any specific commercials that you may not be able to locate. If you're just looking for more nostalgia, you could always try typing in "commercials 1980s" or a variation of that into You Tube or Google.

Tags: commercials that, more more, commercials from, even thought, even thought about