Thursday, July 16, 2015

Become A Better Writer

Become A Better Writer

So you love the written word and are an avid reader. You know the basics about writing but want help giving your prose just that extra bit of polish? Here are a few tips to help you hone your craft.


1. Read or re-read THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE by Strunk & White. It is practically the Holy Grail of English grammar. Sure, it may seem a little stodgy at times, but the basics never lose their cool.

2. Every writer loves to read, that's a given. But are you reading a wide span of material? Sure, you can go from reading plays to novels to short stories to poetry to non-fiction. But I'm talking about taking your reading to another level. People tend to gravitate to people and ideas in which they already agree. So, for example, if you're a "liberal," why not read a few issues of a "conservative" magazine or newspaper and vice-versa? The point isn't to get you to agree with an opposing viewpoint, but to look at it from another point of view. And differing points of view will add depth to your knowledge base, and thus, your characters.

3. Allow yourself to write a crappy first draft. It's the secret of every writer. Just get the thoughts on the page without criticizing yourself. Editing will come later. Many people are so worried about failing that they never try something. How easy would it be to write if you KNEW your first draft would stink? It takes the pressure off so that you can have more fun putting words on the page.

4. Writing is re-writing. No one writes a perfect first draft. Once the thoughts are on the page in a semblance of structure, now is the time to introduce your critical mind. Edit for clarity, repetition, spelling and grammar. Misspelled words are a huge red flag, and yet with computer spell-checks, they are the easiest mistakes to correct. So what does a piece littered with misspellings tell a reader? Probably that the author was lazy, or at least, rushed. Do you want to read a lazy author's material? It's like a great meal, yet drinking out of plastic cups. Presentation is as important as content.

5. If you have the time, let your piece of writing sit still. Don't look at it for a few days, if possible. That way when you return to it, you'll approach it with a fresh eye.

6. Occasionally read your material out loud. Good writing has its own rhythm. Sentences vary, the cadence isn't too long, nor too short. If you're bored reading your material out loud, then how are your readers expected to feel?

7. Keep a pad of paper near your bed. I often get ideas, even if it's just a turn of a phrase, when I'm about to go to sleep. I always think I'll remember the idea in the morning, but alas, I hardly do. I force myself out of my comfortable slumber and jot down the ideas and I'm usually grateful I did in the morning.

8. Be yourself and have fun. (This may not, however, apply to some writing styles, e.g. corporate or technical writing.) When writing, you are metaphorically putting yourself on the page - your style, your humor. When people read your piece, there should be a sense of "you." How can you be "you" if you're not having any fun or mimicking someone else's style?

9. Get feedback. Even professional writers get feedback from editors or other professional writers. If the professionals - people who are paid to write - get feedback, why not you?

10. Maybe your goal isn't to become a "professional" writer. Maybe you just want to hone your skills. Fine. No matter what the desire, start thinking of yourself as a writer. The more seriousness you bring to the craft of writing, the more you'll intend to get better and uphold the phrase, "Yes, I am a writer."

Tags: first draft, Become Better, Become Better Writer, Better Writer, hone your, material loud