Enroll in a rewards program through a particular airline or credit card company and you can redeem points for free or discounted flights. Easy enough. Or perhaps not so easy. More and more often, travelers are facing the frustrations involved with redeeming air miles for airline tickets they actually want. But following a few simple steps can help to ensure that your miles get cashed in for the best deal possible.
1. Enroll in all the programs that you believe will benefit you by earning the maximum amount of air miles. Some airline programs are better than others. According to the Wall Street Journal website, discount airlines like Southwest and JetBlue tend to have more available reward seats. British Airways and United also tend to have more seats and quality programs than some of their competitors. Trade in your credit cards for ones that offer airline miles for purchases. Even if you get a new card and pay it off each month, it can be worth it in travel savings.
2. Plan ahead for you trips whenever possible - way ahead if you can. According to CBS News Money Watch, you are far more likely to get the few good seats that are available with miles redemption if you book 330 or more days ahead. Many of these seats go on sale one year in advance. While it obviously isn't always possible to know your travel plans an entire year in advance, planning as far out from the departure date as possible will help you get the most bang for your buck - or mile.
3. Think about the geography of your trip. Plan on taking flights to alternate destinations where the flights may have less demand and therefore offer more good reward seats. If you are planning to travel to San Francisco, you could alternately fly into Oakland to get more "mileage" out of your rewards points. If you're planning to rent a car when you get there anyway, the Bay Bridge always provides a nice view, and you will still be within a few minutes of your destination when the plane touches down.
4. Take advantage of more expensive fares when you have the opportunity to redeem your air miles. If you have enough to travel on a particular airline free of charge, don't go during off-season. Go during the peak when a destination is very popular. It may be the only time you can get a bargain going to a specific place at a specific time. International travel is also a great way to redeem air miles and maximize their value. International flights are often far more expensive than domestic flights, so cash those miles in on an exciting destination. There's no time like the present.
Tags: have more, more expensive, particular airline, reward seats, tend have, tend have more