Sales incentives for your office
Sales incentives provided to employees can improve morale and increase revenue. Usually, these incentives are very costly to a company and can compete with the bottom-line. However, finding low-cost incentives to motivate your employees and increase productivity can help in creating a positive work environment. Create a contest that lasts for 30 days or shorter to keep employees motivated and to maintain a sense of urgency. Longer goals can be used both quarterly and yearly and should continue to be in place.
Highest dollar sale made
Reward the employee with the highest revenue sale. Whether this sale comes from one client or several, the importance is placed on the most amount of money made during the contest period.
Reviving old business
One way to generate new income is to visit those clients who have not been active for more than 30, 60 or 90 days. Offering former clients new products and services will revive existing business and bring them back as an active customer. Reward the employee who has the most revenue from old business.
Prospects and new revenue
Prospecting is an important aspect of any sales job and is crucial in keeping the pipeline of new customers active. Reward the employee who has the most prospects in a given week and the most revenue earned from this contest. This prize can go to several employees who have shown initiative and growth.
Incentive prizes
Contest incentives do not have to adversely impact the bottom line. These creative incentives can both motivate and energize a staff. Offer half-days off to be used at the manager's discretion. Waive any parking charge an employee may incur for 30 days. Buy the office lunch. Offer additional company training the employee may find valuable and let her decide.
Tags: Reward employee, employee most, most revenue, Reward employee most, Sales incentives