Running a pet store can be competitive. Getting people into your store to purchase a pet is step one. Step two is to keep them coming back for supplies. Bringing customers in and keeping them coming back can be an important key to the success of your business. One successful way of doing this is to hold pet-related promotions designed to bring in new customers and keep them coming back for all their pet-care needs.
Engraved Pet Treats
Offer custom-engraved pet treats free of charge to returning customers. Engrave the name of the customer's pet on the pet's favorite treat. A small bag of these treats with each purchase is a good way to keep pet owners returning to your pet store for pet supplies.
Free Pet Grooming
Pet grooming is often a moneymaker in pet stores, but giving a free complete groom for every three or four purchased grooms can help keep them coming on a regular basis. Offering a free groom day can bring new customers into the store, which can result in a sales boost while the customers wait for their pets to be groomed.
Doggie Bags and Gift Baskets
Offer free brown paper bags stuffed with take-home goodies. Offer the doggie bags to customers as a thank-you or use them to bring new customers in. Other ideas include cat baskets filled with cat treats, a fish bowl full of pet fish supplies, and other types of pet-specific gift bags.
Pet Recognition Day
Hold a pet recognition day and offer free pet-owner registration or documentation for pet owners. You can also offer paw printing (with frames) and pet photographs. Offering free personalized pet collars or other ornaments can add a special touch to the day and is a great way to show customer appreciation.
Good old-fashioned advertising (especially with some of the mentioned marketing promotions) can be effective. Newspapers, pet magazines and even fliers at the grocery store or veterinary stores can be effective. You may be able to work out a deal with a veterinarian where you recommend them and they recommend your business.
Branded Pet Foods
Contract to have a pet-food distributor brand pet foods with your store logo. This not only allows you to get a better bottom line on product, it's an excellent way to keep the name of your store in the public eye.
Tags: them coming, your store, bring customers, coming back, keep them, keep them coming, them coming back