Fine artists are often used by companies to create striking imagery like a corporate logo.
The use of art in television and radio advertising began in the 1920s, and lasted into the 1940s. Fine artists were brought in by various media corporations to give their companies a positive image in regards to brand, and to incorporate various social ideals that were relevant during the times; such as a respectable reputation, and wholesome dynamic image. Fine artists were used to create logos and art that represented a corporation in simple, yet powerful aesthetic forms.
Regulated industries, such as broadcasting, used art in advertising to convince the FCC of the purpose of the brand, at the highest level of marketing. Corporations used art that appealed to both small town and big city mentality alike. By utilizing the proper artisan imagery for their brands, corporations were able to demonstrate an appealing quality to national consumers within a certain mindset.
Creating a nationwide standard of excellence in broadcasting, and by associating with the arts, radio was forward in its thinking, especially with the emerging technology, when radio merged with television. During the 1940s, CBS and NBC commissioned artists to create art that would help to promote not only their radio networks, but also the visual of the company image for television.
Corporate Identity
Advertising flourished in the 1950s, when graphic design and architecture made cultural headway, with new movements in design. For graphic designers and architects, having the right corporate identity was paramount to their success, and advertising was the key to showcasing a particular corporate brand.
Multinational companies sought the use of advertising, both in television and radio, to reach a broader audience in America and worldwide. Visual language and trademarks were produced and represented in a way that most consumers could identify with and remember.
Television was the main way a corporation sold an image through a business perspective to the masses. The visual was the selling point, and television was the new technological visual of the times. Art was the way for corporations to bring forth their product, into the homes of people at all socioeconomic levels. As the medium of television grew, more artists were employed in the arts departments throughout various networks. Artists gave corporations a public "face," through use of notable trademarks, such as the CBS eye and the NBC peacock.
Businesses still incorporate art and artists into their overall marketing plan, and imaging in general. In these modern times, art used in television and radio advertising is similar, though technologically advanced. Fine artists are still used to create a brand or symbol. Corporations still use television and radio to promote their businesses, though there are even more advantages of reaching a worldwide audience through the Internet.
Tags: Fine artists, television radio, artists were, Fine artists were, radio advertising, television radio advertising, used create