Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Poster Board Advertisting Ideas

An advertisement allows a company to communicate a message to consumers.

Outdoor advertising encompasses poster board displays outside of shops to billboards along highways. An easel poster board advertising display outside of a shop specializes in luring potential customers into a store, based on the way the company advertises the store's services or products. A billboard poster board advertisement sends a fast but meaningful message to drivers with few images and words. When coming up with poster board advertising ideas, think of what excites your eye as you walk by a shop or pass a stand at an outdoor market.

Clever Phrase

Whether sexy, funny, sarcastic or tongue-in-cheek, writing a clever phrase into an advertisement is an ideal way to catch potential customers' attention. For a small easel display or a large billboard, create a quick, memorable phrase that passes on a message creatively. Mix the phrase with a simple image of a product or service from your store. For example, for a swimming pool supply company, you might display a poster board with just an empty swimming pool with a diving board on a white board. Underneath, you might write "Pool yourself together. Come on to Smith's for all your essential pool supplies!"


A hand-drawn illustration, in pen and ink or pencil, adds a personal and creative touch to the advertisement. Hire a talented artist to draw a sketch for the advertisement, either something literal related to the company, a character, or a fanciful drawing or border that draws attention. For example, an artist may create a jungle-like image, with big leaves and trees, with books hanging from all the limbs, like apples, in a poster board advertisement for a bookstore.

Graphic Design

Create a simple logo or separate symbol that helps consumers identify with your product. Hire a graphic designer or a marketing company to create a graphic that captures the essence of your company or product. Put the label on a billboard with a short piece of text, just the logo itself and which exit to turn for the store or service. For example, for an auto insurance company, the graphic may be a mix between a hand and a key, providing a sense to a driver that the company, if she purchases a plan, will watch over her and care for her safety.

Larger than Life

Exaggerate the effect of a service or product. Write the text as an understatement and create an exaggerated image. For example, in a spa and salon, show an image of a smiling woman with a huge hair. Write copy that says "The customer is always right...but not about hair. Let our experts help you select the best 'new you!'"

Tags: poster board, board advertisement, board advertising, poster board advertisement, poster board advertising, potential customers, swimming pool