Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Advertise In A Bathroom Stall

Urinal suitable for advertisement.

Advertisements are located everywhere we go, including the once sacred public restroom. The unconventional form of restroom advertising is an explosive twist of promotional marketing. Consumers are receptive to messages in the bathroom. During the short period of time they are there, people tend to concentrate more, ruminate in their thoughts, and enjoy momentary peace and quiet. The result? Specific details of bathroom advertisements linger in shoppers' minds. Take advantage of this crucial innovation and begin to profit from public toilets.


1. Identify your target audience by realizing that restroom advertisements are geared towards specific genders. Place advertisements in such an arena if you want to market your product or service specifically to men or women.

2. Ensure that the advertisement is appropriate for the venue in order to successfully reach your target audience. Prepare for frustration if you commit the mistake of putting public relations pieces in inappropriate arenas.

3. Employ innovative advertising techniques to acquire and then retain the public's attention. Extend your product promotions from stall walls and position bathroom advertisements on paper towel holders, mirrors, urinals, door handles and toilet paper rolls.

4. Initiate feedback to determine the success of your bathroom advertisements. Inquire where new customers learned of your services. Visit the stalls and observe how many phone number tabs were removed. Watch the facial expressions of people as they encounter the advertisement. Utilize this feedback to improve upon your original efforts and create better bathroom advertisements.

Tags: bathroom advertisements, your target audience, target audience, your product, your target