Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Structure Of An Advertising Agency

Structure of an advertising agency.

The structure of an advertising agency can differ, depending on the type of clients that it serves. There is a general organizational structure for a traditional advertising agency, however. An established agency contains five different departments: account management, account planning, creative, media planning and human resources. The five different departments are broken down into focused departments with particular responsibilities that complete the advertising process in a successful and effective manner.

Account Management

Account management is responsible for overseeing the client's account as a whole. For example, a client meets with the manager of the account and the discussion of campaign needs takes place. Once the direction of the campaign has been established, the account-planning department takes over the strategizing for the advertising campaign.

Account Planning Department

The account-planning department develops a creative brief, which is a blueprint for the direction of the advertising campaign. Other responsibilities of the account-planning department include strategizing what aspects need to be included in the campaign, as well as research.

Creative Department

Once the creative brief and research have been completed, the creative department develops the artwork and copy writing for the campaign. The creative department must take the creative brief and communicate the client's needs through graphics and copy writing.

Media Planning Department

The media-planning department contacts media companies and researches the most accurate channel to place the advertising components in. For example, an ad for a gas station is appropriate for outdoor advertising, while an ad for an interactive magazine is more effective within an online flashing banner ad.

Human Resource Department

The human resource department is in charge of scouting new talent for the advertising agency and making sure that everything runs smoothly in the process of interviewing new candidates.

Tags: advertising agency, account-planning department, creative brief, advertising campaign, copy writing, creative department, department develops