Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Grade 12 Graduation Gift Ideas

Give her a gift as she steps out into the real world.

It's been a long hard 12 years, so give the high-school grad a vacation before he hits the books again in the fall or hits the pavement looking for a job. Line his pockets with a little plastic for those unexpected miscellaneous expenses he's likely to incur. Help her address fitness and campus transportation concerns with a brand-new top-of-the-line bicycle.


Give him a relaxing vacation before adulthood takes hold.

Give him one last carefree experience before he enters the working world or the college scene. Soon his days will be filled with long hard days at work or days and nights of studying. Give him a vacation before it all begins. A vacation experience can be tailored to meet the limitations of your budget. A weekend at the beach, trip to Disney World or a cruise should clear his mind, invigorate his body and get him ready for the adventure that lies ahead.


A computer is a very useful gift for the graduate.

She'll be entering a whole new world in a couple of months as she heads off to college or enters the adult working world and will need new tools for that new world. Virtually everyone needs some type of electronic device to keep pace with the rest of the world. Buy her a touchscreen computer or laptop. Other electronic devices or toys that are great graduation gifts are cell phones, MP3 players, PDAs, electronic picture frames, scanners or printers. Choose one that complements her lifestyle.

Gift Card

A gift card is like cash in the pocket.

A gift card may please the new high-school graduate. He'll need to purchase a lot of new items as he moves into his dorm room or apartment. Even if he is not going to move out of his parents' house, he'll have miscellaneous expenses related to starting a new job or starting school. Gift cards are available in large discount retail stores, grocery stores and drug stores. It is possible to select a preloaded card or load a card with an amount that you determine.


A bicycle can provide transportation to class and exercise.

Bicycling is a good transportation option and a great recreational activity that can provide physical fitness benefits for the student or anyone in the workforce. If the new graduate is headed to college, a new bicycle will facilitate fast and easy trips to class and to the library. It will also save money that would otherwise be spent on gas. It is a good idea to take your 12th grade graduate with you to select the type and size of the bike, as the bike should be fitted to the rider.

Tags: vacation before, gift card, long hard, miscellaneous expenses, working world