Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Kindergarten Calendar Activities

Kindergarten is a time when concepts such as time are introduced to children.

Kindergartners are new to the concept of time and calendars, so it is important for a teacher to incorporate calendar activities into the daily classroom routine. Calendar activities are good for teaching math skills, reading skills and abstract concepts to a kindergarten class.

Calendar Math

Calendar math is an activity where the teacher reviews math concepts by focusing on the date. The concepts can include counting and number recognition. Teachers can take the number on the calendar -- such as the 20th of the month -- and explain details about the number to the class.

Pattern Activities

Kindergarten teachers can introduce various rhyme patterns or pattern skills in reading by using the calendar. Teachers can put pictures on the individual days on the calendar in a specific pattern, such as an ABAB pattern using pictures of pumpkins and scarecrows during October. For example, the first day of October might have a pumpkin, the second day a scarecrow and the third day a pumpkin throughout the month. Beyond the visual pattern lessons, teachers can add songs and rhymes to the calendar for different days.

Days of the Week Activity

Calendars are useful to teach the days of the week to kindergarten students. Teachers use the visual of the calendar in conjunction with music -- such as the "Happy Days" theme song -- to get children involved in the activity and learn the days of the week.

Months of the Year Activity

Teach concepts about the months of the year through calendar activities and visuals. For example, a pumpkin with a smiling face can be used to depict the month of October. Teachers can make up rhymes or songs to help students remember the months and use written visuals to teach the spelling and writing of the days.

Tags: days week, skills reading