Friday, January 16, 2015

Paint Holiday Windows

You don't have to go shopping to enjoy festive seasonal windows - here's create your own at home. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Measure the window you will be painting, and note its dimensions and shape. Be sure the window has some protection from rain and snow, such as an awning. Window paint will wash off if it gets wet.

2. Consult coloring books and greeting cards for ideas, then decide what designs or images you want to paint. Or create your own original design.

3. Draw your design, actual size, on a piece of butcher paper.

4. Tape the butcher paper to the inside of the window with the design facing out. This will be your guide for applying paint.

5. Don't bother washing the windows right before painting; a light coat of dust will help the paint adhere to the window.

6. Prepare the work area by placing newspaper on the ground.

7. Plan the colors you'll use for each area of your design. Tempera paints are most commonly used.

8. Pour paint from the bottles into small plastic cups.

9. Paint large areas of the design first, using a wide brush. Use smaller brushes to paint smaller areas and add details.

10. Outline your design and add finishing touches and highlights using a fine-tipped brush with black or white paint.

Tags: your design, butcher paper, create your