Greatly Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant
Whether you've been trying for quite some time to get pregnant or have recently considered trying to have a baby, you know that the task of pregnancy is far easier for some women than others. I know women who can get off birth control and become pregnant in a week and I know other women who try and try for months before conceiving. If you've been trying to become pregnant or have recently decided you want a baby, there are some tips and tricks you can try to increase your chances of conceiving.
1. Get off of birth control immediately. As soon as you decide that you want to become pregnant, the first thing you should do is to get off of birth control. Some women can conceive right away after stopping birth control, but there are others that need a little time to get the estrogen or progesterone out of there systems before becoming pregnant. Either way, it is important that you do not become pregnant on birth control if you can help it. This is not only harmful to your health, but can be dangerous for the unborn baby. Your body should be free of any synthetic hormones (unless directed by your doctor) before trying to get pregnant.
2. Try to calculate your ovulation cycle. Understanding when your body ovulates will greatly increase your chances of getting pregnant. Your body is most fertile, of course, when you are ovulating, but there is a certain window of opportunity for conception to happen. It's important that you know your own body and can determine when ovulation is happening in your system. There are lots of products and information out there to help you count your ovulation days, but ovulation usually occurs on day 14 of a woman's cycle from the start of the day of her period (day 1). So 14 days after the first day of a woman's menstrual cycle and approximately 3 days after are suppose to be the best time for her to get pregnant. However, stress can alter the ovulation cycle and not all women are the same. See resource list below for links and more information. Keeping a calendar of important menstrual and ovulation information will definitely help.
3. Have a lot of sex as much as possible. Of course we all know that having sex is the only way to get pregnant, but it seems that many couples get so consumed with getting pregnant that sex seems furthest from their minds. Sex gets lost in the hustle and bustle of trying to conceive and ends up happening less and less. It's hard to have sex when your so worried about getting pregnant and stress is revolving around both partners. Just remember that the only way to get pregnant and have that amazing baby you both want is to have sex often, as much as possible, and all the time if you can.
4. Have fun trying to conceive. After trying to get pregnant for so long, sex tends to become a chore, but remember again, it is the only way to have a baby. Try making love fun again. Do new things together to get the idea of babies off of your mind temporarily. Enjoy each other, kiss, hug, and have fun again. Make love in the back seat of your car, in the shower, or get a hotel room. Do whatever you have to do to put the passion back into your relationship if it's fizzled out from trying to get pregnant. Sometimes couples get so involved with trying to conceive that the fun is gone and everything seems such a chore. Remember that you love each other and that is why you're trying to get pregnant in the first place. Sometimes trying to hard can actually cause things NOT to happen. Just relax and have fun.
Tags: birth control, become pregnant, trying pregnant, pregnant have, trying conceive