Make your business stand out by using a variety of free advertisements.
"Collecting customers" for your business is like a giant scavenger hunt. Customers are "prizes" that you must find as a business owner. The trick is to try to collect those prizes by spending as little money as possible. Involve your employees in the game of "collecting customers" by giving them prizes for the most successful free advertising ideas.
Emailing List
Ask your customers for their email addresses when they make a purchase if you do not have their addresses in your database. Tell them their information will not be sold, but will be used for your own marketing promotions. Send out a a monthly, or even semimonthly, newsletter about your business. In the newsletter, announce sales or promotions you are having and new merchandise that is available. Run special contests, such as a customer-of-the month competition, and announce them in emails. In a contest, the customer could receive 10 percent off all purchases for the next month or a special free item, as long as he brings in a copy of the email with the announcement. This will encourage your customers to read the emails.
Online Forums
Participate in online forums to attract potential customers to our business. When posting in the forums, include a signature, a small section of text at the bottom of each post. It can include your company's name and address, or a quick announcement of any specials you are having. You can post on the message board and get free advertising at the same time.
Library and Grocery Store Flyers
Ask your local grocery store and libraries if you can post a flier about your company on their community bulletin boards. Design your flier so it stands out from the competition's. Experiment with different designs and offers to see which work best in attracting customers. Ask customers to mention the advertisement for a special discount, a tactic that can help you track the success of your free advertising.
Gift-Basket Donations
Look for auctions in your community and offer to donate a gift basket. The gift basket can include small items that are representative of your products. Include a few discount coupons, too. Although only one person will win the gift basket, your company's name will be announced when the item is auctioned. If the auction company has a program handout for auction guests, your donation can get your business's name in the program.
Business Cards
Use your business cards as advertisement to attract potential customers. Be proactive and creative about finding places to put your cards. Leave a few behind at a change machine in an arcade or shopping center. Post them on community or college bulletin boards in the area. Create business cards that stand out to attract attention. Using bright colors or graphics helps them stand out to people walking by.
Tags: your business, gift basket, your company, about your, attract potential, attract potential customers, bulletin boards