Monday, November 10, 2014

What Is A Promotional Account

Promotional accounts are marketing tools that allow potential customers to use a company's product or service before actually making a purchase. Promotional accounts are routinely used by companies that offer services that may be accessed online, such as software applications. Offline businesses such as mobile phone companies, Internet service providers and cable television also regularly offer promotional accounts to new customers.


The main purpose of a promotional account is to entice potential customers to try out, and ultimately purchase, a company's product. By signing up for a promotional account, the potential customer gets to experience all of the features of the product and determine if it satisfies one of her needs. The company is also able to collect information about the potential customer that can be used in the future to try to sell additional products to the consumer.

Common Payment Requirements

Many promotional accounts require customers to submit credit card or billing information to access the service or product for the trial period. During the trial, the customer is typically not charged for using the service; however, once the promotional account expires, the customer may be charged for continued use of the service or product without additional notice if this practice was noted in the original terms and conditions.

Temporary Nature

One of the main features of a promotional account is that it only exists for a limited period. Many companies provide promotional accounts that last for 30 calendar days. While longer and shorter promotional accounts exist, they are somewhat less common than the traditional one-month free-trial period.

Options Upon Expiration

At the end of the promotional account term, consumers are generally given two options: They may continue receiving the service in exchange for either a one-time payment or monthly recurring payments, or they may choose to cancel their account. Many promotional accounts require consumers to contact the company in writing before the promotional period ends to cancel their account. Failing to notify the company of your desire to discontinue your account could lead to additional, unwanted charges to your credit card.

Tags: promotional account, promotional accounts, accounts require, cancel their, cancel their account, company product, credit card