Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Why Do Companies Need Marketing Communication

Marketing communication departments or teams are focused on external communications with clients, potential clients and other businesses. Marketing communication promotes a company, its products and services and helps establish brand awareness; it is the mouthpiece for corporate messages to the public. An effective marketing communication team can help companies communicate with the public, increase sales and improve market share.

Consistent Messaging

Successful companies have a consistent message relayed through the look and feel of their advertising and promotions. For example, all print and TV advertisements for Nike products contain the familiar brand "swoosh," and the current company tag line; the logo can also be found on the company website, on press releases and in other communications. It would be confusing if the company's ads featured different logos and messages, which could result in a loss of potential customers. Instead, the company's pieces have a cohesive message, and changes are enacted across all platforms. This creates a reliable brand image that is easily recognizable for customers.

Increased Consumer Awareness

Once a brand is established, marketing communications teams are also tasked with informing potential customers about the company. This could mean working with advertising agencies to create ad campaigns, TV commercials and printed collateral such as brochures. It may also mean developing corporate websites, working with social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter and developing word-of-mouth marketing campaigns. The goal is to heighten consumer awareness of the company's products and services and how they can be obtained.

Alignment of the Sales Process

When a customer buys a product or service, there are steps she takes before making her decision. For example, if she is buying a car, she may conduct online research, visit multiple dealerships and test drive vehicles before she makes her purchase. Marketing communications teams help sales people understand the process buyers go through when making a decision and help craft the language and process that the salesperson will use when selling a car. For example, there may be standard warranties or enhancements associated with a new vehicle. Marketing communications creates a template salespeople use when discussing these features that is consistent with brand image.

Emphasis on External Communications

Marketing communication teams serve a different need than corporate communications teams. Corporate communications usually deals with internal company policies, procedures and information that is shared among internal stakeholders. At the same time, internal communications teams are tasked with following the brand standards established and maintained by marketing communications, and the two departments may be combined or work together.

Tags: communications teams, brand image, company products, company products services, making decision, Marketing communication