Friday, November 28, 2014

Duties & Responsibilities Of An Account Administrator

An account administrator is responsible for provinding assistant to users having difficulties.

An account administrator works in both private and public sectors of business. His role is to ensure that users have access to information on the organization's computer systems. This involves maintaining access accounts and ensuring that only those authorized have access to certain information. He may manage customer accounts or the accounts of other staff members. Account administrators are commonly found in banks.

Set Up Accounts

Using the established computer systems, an account administrator will set up new accounts. For fellow employees, this involves setting them up with access to the computer systems they need. Password and user names will be issued by the account administrator, and he will retain a record of each employee set up with an account. For customers, an account administrator will set up a workable account that they can access or have other staff access on their behalf.

Produce Training Material

It is the duty of an account administrator to produce training material for new account users. This material may be a written report or delivered as a presentation. It will cover basics such as what the account enables the user to do, access the account and what to do in the event of any difficulties.

Deal with Problems

The account administrator is responsible for dealing with any problems that an account user may have. This includes lost passwords, blocked accounts or accidental deletion. He has a duty to be available to answer any queries that users may have. If the information is not readily available, the account administrator will look into the matter and prepare a report for the user.

Produce Reports on Usage

The account administrator has a duty to write reports on account usage. These are submitted to senior management on a regular basis. The account administrator will monitor accounts for inactivity or unusual usage and report any suspicions to senior management along with a recommendation of action.


An account administrator is responsible for maintaining an accurate record of all account transactions. This is especially important for an account administrator working in the banking field. Designing and implementing a filing system is his responsibility. This may be a paper system or an electronic database. Once the system is in place, he will ensure that all records are filed away in an easily accessible way.

Tags: account administrator, account administrator, account administrator will, administrator will, account administrator responsible