Thursday, November 20, 2014

Doortodoor Sales Techniques

Personality and ambition make for sales success.

In an age of Internet-based communication, the image of a door-to-door sales representative may seem out-of-place. However, these positions still exist. Typically, door-to-door sales representatives generate most of their income from earning a percentage per sale, so having an effective strategy is critical. Additionally, setting strategies to motivate sellers to continue knocking on doors despite rejections increases the chance of making a sale.

Record Data

Maintain a data notebook. In one column of the notebook, record the number of people spoken to about a product. In the other column, record the number of sales made. Keeping these notes allows salespeople to calculate the number of houses they must visit on average to make a sale. This data will encourage salespeople to re-assess their perception of continuing despite rejections because it will clearly show that some rejections must happen before reaching a sale. Taking the total amount made in sales and dividing it by the total number of houses visited will allow salespeople to calculate the amount made per house and will help sales associates to view each home as producing a profit.

The Door Knob Technique

When leaving a house without a sale, pause before walking out the door. Say you're new to sales and then ask prospective customers for selling advice or leads. This creates a new opportunity for conversation. When prospective customers feel like they are giving advice, they also tend to be more honest and may reveal reasons why they did not purchase the product. The salesperson can use this revelation to re-frame the deal and potentially make a sale after all. At the very least, she may gain tips on improve her pitch.

Take Recommendations

Whether a prospective customer buys a product, the salesperson should ask about neighbors and relatives who may be interested in the offer. These suggestions can lead to customers. Approaching prospective buyers with news that someone they know recommended them can open initial communication, help build rapport and ease the delivery of your pitch.

Use Mirroring

Mirroring is a form of neuro-linguistic programming. Mirroring involves picking up on another person's body language, speech style and general interests and adopting the characteristics observed. If potential clients view a salesperson as relatable, they may buy the product. One way for salespeople to ensure they will be liked is to mirror their clients' personalities.

Tags: amount made, despite rejections, door-to-door sales, make sale, number houses, product salesperson, prospective customers