Monday, March 2, 2015

Brand Ambassador Salary

Use demonstrations and promotions to increase brand awareness and loyalty.

Brand ambassadors are product demonstrators and promoters who represent commercial brand names in an official capacity. They are skilled communicators who use social media, internet marketing, email marketing, and public events as tools to create a positive buzz and offer in-depth education about the goods and services they represent. Like walking, talking commercials, brand ambassadors give consumers entertaining product impressions and live experiences to develop brand interest and gain loyal customers.

Average Earnings

As of May 2010, the national average salary for all occupations in the U.S. is reported to be $44,410 annually, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Ninety percent of brand ambassadors kept pace, earning an average yearly salary of $44,070 during the same reporting period. This industry offers a wide range of earnings potential and compensates workers in hourly wages or annual salaries. Certain types of demonstrators and promoters can even earn six-figure salaries based on their talent and reliability. Dependable demonstrators for events along with entertainment promoters can earn more than $100,000 annually for their highly honed skills, the BLS reported.


Independent workers make up approximately 30 percent of the U.S. work force. According to BLS, about 54 percent of all brand ambassadors work part time and about 22 percent of them have variable work schedules. Many of these positions may last six months or less, making brand ambassador jobs appealing to highly flexible and creative independent workers. The advertising, public relations and related services industry employs the most workers in this sector, capturing 4.93 percent. A college degree is not required to become a brand ambassador, making the position highly accessible to a diverse group of workers.


Some states and areas in the U.S. are better than others for finding jobs and higher salaries. Top-paying states and regions are the District of Columbia and South Carolina, with average annual salaries of $53,890 and $43,370 respectively, according to the BLS. Highest-paying metro areas for annual average wages are Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, at $55,690, with Charleston, South Carolina, not far behind at $47,600 per year. Metropolitan areas with the highest employment rate combined with top annual earnings are San Diego and Chicago.


Becoming a brand ambassador is a great choice for a variety of workers in the U.S. The range and flexibility of these positions make product demonstration and promotion appealing to workers who need flexible hours, such as students and parents. The worker who is looking for steady earnings will find that brand ambassadors are also hired into salaried positions by large corporations and these positions can be steppingstones to a future in advertising and marketing.

Tags: South Carolina, these positions, about percent, annual salaries, brand ambassador, brand ambassadors