One aim of most blogs is to constantly get more traffic. Whether you're trying to spread information, earn money through ad-clicks or both, increased traffic means a more successful blog. While your search standings in Google determine how frequently your blog is found, for the most part, you can take certain actions to raise your Google standings and to increase your blog readership.
Content is King
"Content is king" might be an old and overused saying, but when it comes to Google PageRank, it really is true. The basis of your blog has to be intelligent, funny, useful or otherwise compelling. You want to create posts that make readers want to come back for more. If you spew out canned ads for products, you won't garner an audience and your blog won't be ranked highly with Google.
Social Networking
If you have an account on Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon and other social networking sites, take advantage of them to promote your blog. Put up a notice on all your sites whenever you make a new blog post. Post interesting items in between posts to keep your blog in people's minds.
Join new forums that tie in with you blog. If you write a blog about rescue dogs, join in pet forums, forums about rescuing greyhounds, animal rights forums and other similar sites. Add a link to your blog in your forum signature. Read forum posts and add intelligent comments. Don't spam the forum with your blog. Join in the conversation and allow the other forum members to discover your blog on their own by reading your signature.
Set up an account at Gravatar. This service allows you to link your name, photo, email address and blog together. Whenever you post a comment on a blog, your name and picture will pop up along with a link to your latest blog post including the post title. When you post enough places on a regular basis this can be the beginning of people recognizing you as a blogger they know.
Become a regular reader and commenter on blogs. Include many blogs in the same category as yours, as well as some general blogs. Make comments about the subject matter, but don't mention your blog. If you have a Gravatar account set up, the information will appear with your post. Become well-known in blogging circles as someone who adds to intelligent conversation or who asks logical questions. This should increase the number of curious people who check out your blog.
Optimize your blog posts with strategic keyword placement using search engine optimization tactics. Choose keywords you think readers will search for and place them once every 100 words on your blog post. Include the keyword phrases into the paragraphs naturally. Don't force them in awkwardly just to put them in.
Include photos and other images on each blog post. This makes your blog look better and creates an easier page to read. It also increases the possibility of searchers finding your blog. If someone is searching for a photo of a rescue dog, Google may pop up one of the pictures on your blog, leading the new reader right to your page.
Guest Posts
Ask more popular bloggers if they would consider guest posting on your site. Alternatively, ask if you can guest post on their site. In each situation, you'll get curious regular readers of the popular blogger checking out your blog after the initial guest post.
Tags: your blog, blog post, link your, blog your, Gravatar account, guest post, with your