Monday, October 20, 2014

Take The Ged In Spanish

The American Council on Education (maker of the GED series) offers a Spanish language version of the GED. Many Hispanic Americans can take the GED in Spanish if their English is not good enough for them to take the full test in English.

There are two important things to consider if you take the GED in Spanish, (1) the minimum passing standards are the same for all language editions of the test, and (2) you must also pass a short proficiency test in English. If you are considering taking the GED in Spanish, follow these steps.


1. Take a practice test in English first. You may find that you are able to pass the GED in English and therefore do not need to take the Spanish edition. Also, many employers and colleges prefer the GED in English.

2. If you cannot pass the GED in English, the next step is to get a study guide for the GED in Spanish, and locate adult education classes that offer GED prep in Spanish. This will be easier if you live in a large city with a significant Hispanic population. However, if live in a more rural area, you will need to study mostly on your own.

3. In addition to the five subject areas--math, science, social studies, reading, and writing--you must study English. You cannot pass the GED in Spanish unless you also pass an exam in English. The English proficiency exam will be much shorter than the GED test, but you will need to know grammar, spelling, reading, and writing in English.

4. Visit the website of the American Council on Education for a list of testing centers in your location. Call and schedule an appointment to take the GED in Spanish. You do not have to take the GED and English proficiency test on the same day, but you will not receive your diploma until you have passed both tests.

5. Remember that your diploma will indicate that you took the test in Spanish. Many colleges and employers may require that you take an additional test in English proficiency. For example, universities require the TOEFL for students who did not graduate from high school in an English speaking country, or who took the GED in a foreign language.

Tags: take Spanish, test English, English proficiency, also pass, American Council, American Council Education, cannot pass