Thursday, October 2, 2014

Discrimination In The Workplace For Immigrants

Immigrants are protected against discrimination in the workplace by law.

Diversity is an important driver of business success. Businesses hire people from different backgrounds because it brings fresh perspectives and new ways of thinking. Additionally, it is illegal to discriminate against others because of their minority status. Laws against discrimination in the workplace protect immigrants, who may differ from the majority in terms of ethnicity, religion or race. However, while today's workforce is more diverse than ever, discrimination still takes place.

Immigrants in the Workplace

Immigrants have been a key part of the U.S.'s growth throughout history. Additionally, according to The New York Times, immigrants today are not simply taking on low-skilled or blue-collar jobs: In the majority of the nation's 25 biggest urban areas, more working immigrants are employed as white-collar professionals than in areas like manufacturing and service industries. Businesses have long recognized that immigrants bring fresh ideas and new perspectives to the workplace, which can fuel innovation and growth.


However, immigrants still face discrimination in the workplace. Statistics from 2009, the latest year available, show that complaints of discrimination based on national origin increased 5 percent, and religious discrimination claims increased 3 percent. Indeed, workplace discrimination complaints remain at historically elevated levels, as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission saw 93,277 complaints in fiscal year 2009 (ended September 30), the second-highest level in its history.

Legal Protections

Still, there are laws that prevent such discriminatory behavior. In 1964, Congress passed Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which protects people from employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Employers must have a zero tolerance policy in dealing with discrimination, because it is illegal, and targeted workers can take legal action.

Fighting Discrimination

Immigrants who believe they are the victims of workplace discrimination should file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. To do so, a person must have certain information ready, including as the names of the offending parties and employer, and be prepared to give a brief account of the problem. Under the Civil Rights Act of 1991, the court may award victims of intentional employment discrimination monetary damages.

Ethics Training

People often stereotype others that are different out of fear and misunderstanding. Ethics training can lessen such diversity problems in the workplace. By teaching people about others' backgrounds and cultures, as well as encouraging open conversation and the flow of information, workers can overcome their misgivings and begin to see their coworkers as real people, not frightening unknowns.

Tags: discrimination workplace, against discrimination, against discrimination workplace, Civil Rights, discrimination based