Friday, October 3, 2014

Fun 6th Grade Field Trips

Field trips take the learning on the road for students. They allow sixth grade students to make a connection between the book study that takes place in the classroom and real world experiences. Consider the specific topics covered in the sixth grade curriculum when selecting field trip locations. While every city offers different options, many common field trip destinations are available in most areas.


Take the kids to a local newspaper office. Collaborate with the editor to make an agenda that allows the students to see the entire newspaper creation process. This may include time with the writers and editors, as well as time to watch the printing and packaging process. This gives kids the opportunity to see where the newspaper originates before it lands on the doorstep. Consider other local options that allow kids a behind-the-scenes look into different services within the community. Ideas include the post office, fire station, hospital, police station or local businesses.

Natural Attractions

Plan a field trip to a natural attraction in the area. Ideas include waterfalls, caves, canyons, rivers or mountains. This field trip idea works well to relate to social students topics. It also allows students to discover and explore the natural beauty of the area that they may not experience otherwise.

Camping Trip

Take the students on an overnight camping trip for a different field trip option. This field trip idea takes a considerable amount of planning and coordination due to the extended period away from the school. Ensure that you have plenty of adults to provide supervision for the camping trip. Involve the students in the planning process, including the location, sleeping accommodations and meal planning. Make alternative plans for students who prefer not to participate in an overnight field trip.

Historical Reenactments

Consider venues that offer historical reenactments to extend the learning from social studies class. Outdoor theaters may offer a Wild West reenactment show. Historical farms and villages allow visitors to interact with costumed actors who portray life from a certain era. Some local areas may have a group that performs Civil War- or Renaissance-era reenactments. Check with these groups to schedule a special performance for the students. These living history experiences allow the kids to see the events that they read about in history class.

Tags: field trip, allow kids, allows students, field trip idea, Ideas include