Friday, October 10, 2014

Become A Great Salesperson

Sales jobs offer some of the most lucrative careers available and typically require the least amount of specialized training or education. Whether you sell cars, homes or furniture, you can rise in that profession when you hit the numbers. Read on to learn become a great salesperson.


1. Act as if you already made the big sale. Attitude is the primary characteristic required of successful salespeople. You have to know put on a positive attitude even on days that you don't feel it very strongly.

2. Smile. Buyers want to spend their money with people who are happy and can help them to be happy. If you are trying to sell a car with a scowl on your face, the customer will not think very highly of your product and your promises.

3. Follow-up consistently. When you get a call from a prospective home buyer, you must call him back. Customers believe that their needs are the most important and expect you to agree. Prompt response to inquiries makes them more comfortable that you are the right salesperson for them.

4. Develop a thick skin. Nothing hurts new salespeople more than taking rejection personally. A defeated attitude or sense of failure can ruin your chances to make the next sale. If you can't shake off a loss quickly, go home for the day and work on building your confidence for the next day.

5. Listen closely, and learn discern what customers are telling you from what they think you want to hear. They tell you sell to them if you can listen without bias.

6. Work with others who are willing to tell you the truth. A good mentor is frank, direct and points out your weaknesses. She can also be your cheerleader to pump up your self-esteem.
