Teaching online courses is a growing source of both part time and full time income for educational professionals, as more colleges and institutions are offering online degree programs. Requirements to teach these types of classes vary by institution, but there are some general qualifications necessary to nab these jobs.
Four Year Degree
In most instances, professors --- even those working exclusively online --- must have a degree from a four-year institution. Some colleges and universities have even begun requiring instructors to obtain a master's degree in their chosen field of study. The requirements differ from school to school, so it's best to check before applying for an online teaching position.
Graduate Programs
Online graduate program teaching positions require the instructor to have an advanced degree, such as a Ph.D or Ed.D. A professional degree like an MBA may also qualify, depending on the individual institution. These jobs are most easily obtained by college professors who already hold --- or are working on --- their advanced degree.
Associate Degree or Certification Programs
These programs require certification the field in which you wish to teach, along with extensive work experience in that field. You may also qualify if you hold a bachelor's degree and have less hands-on work experience. This is a good option for secondary teachers that want to teach elective online courses.
Technical Knowledge
To teach an online course, you must have a fairly high degree of proficiency in Internet use and function. You should be well-versed in use message boards and online chat programs to communicate with students and must check email on a regular basis. It also helps to have specific software experience, as each institution uses its own software and will provide training, which you must be able to understand.
Hiring Process
The hiring process can be just as rigorous as being hired in a brick and mortar school. You will likely have to submit an application, a resume, and references. Expect each reference to be called and all work history to be verified before you are officially hired.
Pay usually depends on the type of institution and course, usually ranging between $750-3000, per course. Depending on the subject matter, teaching an online course can be financially rewarding.
Tags: advanced degree, also qualify, must have, online course, online courses, work experience