Monday, October 26, 2015

Integrated Communication Tools

Integrated communication tools make business go 'round.

Integrated communications is the idea that marketing methods operate best when working together. It's difficult to do away with the compartmentalization-style business model, or the concept of building walls to separate potentially conflicting ideas and departments. The benefits, however, for doing so are many. Bringing departments together to work as one boosts sales, enhances communication, saves company time and money and creates greater customer loyalty. Here are the basic tools of integrated marketing communication.


Television, Internet, newspapers, radio, magazines and billboards are the best means through which large-scale advertising is done. The primary upside to advertising is that vast target audiences can be reached. The downsides, however, are the large costs and the one-sided communication, in which advertisers do not get to hear directly from consumers.

Sales Promotion

This is the method by which short-term sales are boosted by stimulating product interest. Product and brand name awareness campaigns are waged through the sales promotion tool. This is typically done through coupons, demonstrations, product samples and contests.

Public Relations

The main goal of public relations is to boost a company's reputation through positive publicity. How a company or product is viewed by the public eye can make or break it. Event sponsorships are a major aspect of public relations and further enhance the company's reputation. Brands like Van's, Honda Civic and Monster Energy Drink often sponsor concert events and are subsequently making their companies synonymous with the trends.

Direct Marketing

Direct marketing, also called social media marketing, utilizes direct mail services, email, fliers and product catalog distribution. The goal of direct marketing is not just reaching a target audience but also to directly elicit customer response to analyze and measure it for future ad campaigns.

Personal Selling

Personal selling is essentially like it sounds. It is the personal, one-on-one approach to selling products. This can be done through door-to-door sales, sales appointments or home parties. One of the primary goals when using this method is to establish a rapport with the customers, so as to foster in them a sense of loyalty.

Tags: company reputation, done through, public relations