Thursday, October 29, 2015

Create A Gift Coupon Template For Kids

Design your own gift coupons.

Lead your children in an art project that they can give away to brighten the lives of their friends and family members. Make coupon books filled with gift certificates that are redeemable for hugs, kisses and gifts of service including washing the dishes, cleaning a room and taking out the trash. To get them started, you'll need to design a template that can be duplicated. They can customize each coupon with stickers, markers and their personal designs.


1. Place a piece of light-colored card stock vertically on your workspace. Fold it in half horizontally and cut along the fold with a pair of straight-edge scissors. Keep the dimensions of your gift coupon about the size of half a sheet of paper to give little artists an adequate work space to add designs to the "white space."

2. Cut the top and bottom of each of the halves with a pair of decorative-edged scissors. These scissors come in a variety of designs, including swirls and waves. Choose a decorative border that you like. This adds a little extra aesthetic appeal to your gift coupon.

3. Write the following words in a script across the top of the gift coupon using a black permanent marker: "A Gift Coupon For You." Skip to the next line and write "To:" followed by "From:" on the line below that. On the fourth line, write the words: "Redeemable For:" followed by a line that stretches across the width of the coupon.

4. Show your template to your children and ask them to duplicate a version of it on their half sheets of card stock. Help them write the words if they cannot write well. The charm of these gift coupons will be in the children's handwriting and design.

5. Provide stickers, markers and crayons for the children to design the open space below the text. Allow them to be creative.

Tags: your gift, card stock, gift coupon, gift coupons, line write, stickers markers