If you are looking for some good small business ideas, first consider the types of business you have interest in pursuing. If you have always wanted to own a shop, for instance, the best types to open would include those focusing on nutrition or pets, according to Entrepreneur Magazine. Maybe service is more in line with your interest. Companies that offer accounting, Web development, and home care services might be a good fit for you. Whatever your interest, there are many small business ideas available.
Professional Services
Perhaps you've had difficulty finding a full-time position in your intended profession. An idea for a small business is to develop your expertise into a service to sell to other firms. An accounting business features low start-up costs and you can even work from your home. According to B.E.T.A. Daily, you can find a strong market in small businesses looking to shave costs, but lacking the accounting expertise to do the work themselves. Another service market is Web hosting and Web development. You can take your knowledge of the Web and put it to work developing sites for small business or organizations lacking internal departments. Other services of interest could be selling stock photography, selling your copy-writing skills, or social media marketing.
Retail Businesses
If your dream is to own a shop of your own, Entrepreneur Magazine suggests entering into the big business of low-cost, discount retail. Dollar stores, for instance, saw earnings rise 25 percent in 2009. Resale shops and stores that focus on low-priced items have shown tremendous growth and could be an idea for you. Pet care is another hot retail area. According to the American Pet Products Association, pet products accounted for $43 billion in 2008. That's a lot of chew toys and catnip, and if opening a pet shop is of interest to you, the business model is growing stronger. Local sustainability, whether through selling local produce, baked goods, farm-raised meats, or hand-made products, has grown in popularity, too. This is due to an increased awareness of local farms and locally grown foods. That is good news for the mom and pop stores, and could mean opportunity for you.
Personal Services
From tutoring to housekeeping, personal services businesses are on the rise. Entrepreneur Magazine reports expectations that tutoring, for example, will show a $100 million rise for 2010, and comprise a $7 billion dollar industry. Tutoring, housekeeping, handyman services and personal childcare are all small businesses you can start with little to no overhead. You either need a strong skill set in fixing things or teaching struggling kids, and a desire to do the work. Another growing service industry is the senior market with in-home care and community care centers among the top growing fields. You can take advantage of this market by opening a small business catering to the needs of seniors such as in-home elderly care, tech service help, and even senior dating services.
Tags: small business, Entrepreneur Magazine, business ideas, small business ideas, small businesses, your interest