Thursday, October 1, 2015

Write A Recycling Proposal

Writing a recycling proposal should be tailored to a geographical location.

Proposals should convince readers of the significance of a problem, how you propose to solve the problem, and why your proposed solution is the best method for solving the problem. A recycling proposal should include all of these things, plus geographical and other specifics that are relevant to your target audience. For example, if the reader is a city councilperson, then the proposal should address the recycling challenges in the councilperson's jurisdiction.


1. Outline your proposal's table of contents or "superstructure." A formal proposal includes the following sections: an introduction, problem statement, objectives, solution statement, methodology, resources and schedule, management qualifications and structure, and conclusion.

2. Write the introduction for your recycling proposal. Answer the questions "What is this proposal about?" and "Why should the reader care about this proposal?"

3. Articulate the recycling problem that your proposal addresses. For example, the problem may be that the town's residents are not fully participating in the local recycling program or that your city needs a more advanced recycling plant. Conclude your problem statement by addressing the question "Why is the proposed project needed?"

4. List the objectives of your proposal. The objectives may include providing a detailed analysis of the problem and outlining a proposed recycling plan.

5. Describe your proposed course of action in the solution section. Your solution statement provides specific methods for solving the problems to achieve the objectives outlined in you proposal. For example, if the problem is that few citizens participate in a recycling program and your objective is to increase participation, your solution might be to provide incentives to citizens to increase participation in the program.

6. Explain the methodology you employed to research the problem and solution, as well as the methodology for implementing the solution. For example, the methodology for creating an incentive-based recycling program might be to research existing incentive-based recycling programs in other cities and follow best practices from those programs.

7. List the resources required to implement your proposed solution. Resources include items such as equipment, facilities, personnel and money. For example, an incentive-based recycling program might require money to pay for recyclables, extra personnel at the recycling facility to process the increase in recyclables from the program, and updated recycling equipment.

8. Provide a schedule for your proposed plan. Provide milestones and deadlines between the date you expect that your proposal will be accepted and the date you expect to reach your goal. If your goal is to increase recycling participation by 2014, for example, choose a date in 2014 that you expect to reach your goal as your end date.

9. Explain your specific qualifications for writing the proposal and the management structure that your plan requires. Include other proposals or reports that you've written and similar projects on which you've participated. Explain how you will organize and implement the plan, and how others will assist in the implementation of your proposal.

10. Reiterate the significance of the problem that your proposal addresses and why your proposal offers the best solution for solving the problem.

Tags: your proposal, that your, problem that, recycling program, your proposed, incentive-based recycling, proposal should