Become a Car Sales Rep
Car sales can be very lucrative. Not only do new car sales account for more than half the overall revenue generated by franchised dealers, they also lead to aftermarket sales, such as extended warranties, repair services and trade-ins down the road. If you think you have what it takes to keep your wheels spinning in this industry, then learn become a car sales rep.
1. Choose a reputable dealer when buying your own new or used vehicles. Often, one of the best ways to get your foot in the door to become a car sales rep is to become a valued customer. Most dealers will be happy to show you the ropes and perhaps even hire you to be one of their sales reps.
2. Draw on past experience in sales or customer service-related fields you may have worked in to become a car sales rep. Strong interpersonal skills are a key ingredient to success, as well as being able to follow up with service and handling frequent rejection.
3. Plan to invest in your wardrobe when you become a car sales rep. In fact, most car sales reps show up for work each day in business attire, or at least a light sports coat, pressed trousers and shined shoes. Of course, a selection of tasteful ties is also necessary.
4. Get to know the products you are selling. One of the keys to selling a car is knowing all about it. This includes the available options, potential engine or tire upgrades and interior packages. The more options you know about, the more you can sell.
5. Be aware that becoming a car sales rep is about a lot more than just selling cars. Beyond the actual car, a car sales rep needs to know about the various warranty options for each vehicle, as well as the different financing plans available.
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