Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Sell One Million Ebooks On The Internet

Ebook Cover

Your chances of selling one million ebooks increase dramatically when you have multiple titles that you are selling at the same time. If you have 30 ebooks that you have written and they are excellent ebooks and appeal to many customers then your goal of selling one million ebooks will increase greatly. Also having numerous online places to sell your ebooks will multiply your ebook sales to the one million mark.


1. In order to begin your online business of selling millions of ebooks on the internet you will need to start with creating your own ebook or obtaining ebook reseller rights so that you have ebook products to sell. It is also very important that you believe that this goal of selling one million ebooks is very attainable. If you already have ebooks to sell then you have accomplishment the first step. In creating your own ebook you will want to write about something that you know about or have a passion for. Want a suggestion for writing the Internet? Information sells more on the Internet then anything else. People want to know do things or find out some kind of facts. Some of the best ebooks to write are ebooks.

2. The first thing you may want to consider is writing your own ebook and selling it online and having your own home base business. There are plenty of topics on which you can write an ebook, just pick one that you are suited for. Ebooks are not that difficult to write, compile or create and they do not take that long to write one. You can write an ebook in one day. Many ebooks are only about 25 pages. Some ebooks are about 200 pages. Just write about something that you already know. Think about your occupation or the hobbies that you have and you will realize that you are close to an expert on that subject.

3. The next step after you have written an ebook is to have it published. You can find many places online that will publish your ebook for a fee or you can self publish your own ebook at no cost to you. I will suggest that you start with to publish your ebook because it is free and easy to do with their creation tools. If you choose to have your ebook public in the market place then LuLu will give you a link that will be listed on the major search engines like Google so that you will begin to have sales. You can also use LuLu to publish your ebook cover. If you choose to sell other author's ebooks then do a Google search for "ebook reseller rights" and you will find many online businesses where you can obtain these ebooks to sell from your Website or Blog

4. The next thing you will need in order to sell ebooks is a Website or Blog to expose your ebooks to the public online. The choice is yours. If you are interested in saving as much expense as possible to begin your Internet business then start with a blog to list your ebooks for sale. Blogs are free and easy to create and they will be listed online visible to the search engines for better marketing. Go to to create your own Blog and you can begin your ebook marketing. Start with creating one ebook and then move on in creating more. The more ebooks that you have for sale the sooner you will reach your goal of selling one million ebooks.

5. Quantity is the next thing that you need to focus on. If you only have one ebook that you want to sell in order to make a million dollars then you will have to sell one million ebooks making one-dollar profit on each one. This would be one of the hardest ways of selling one million ebooks. If your profit was 2 to 5 dollars on each ebook then you will not have to sell as many to make one million dollars. Selling a million units with only one ebook title may take some years even if is a popular subject and well written that would appeal to a large audience or attract many consumers and customers. Although it is very possible to sell one million ebooks from just one title in a short period of time, most authors have a few ebooks from many ebooks for sale. Ebooks are a great home base business that will cost you nothing to set up and your selling is all online.

Your chances of selling one million ebooks increase dramatically when you have multiple titles that you are selling at the same time. If you have 30 ebooks that you have written and they are excellent ebooks and appeal to many customers then your goal of selling one million ebooks will increase greatly and much more quickly then selling just one title. Use your imagination and try to conceive of having 100 to 1000 ebook titles that you could sell and how long it would take to sell one million ebooks. It will take some time to write many ebooks so you may want to sell you own ebooks and other author's ebooks to make the one million mark.

6. You will need to choose the right price in order for your ebook to sell quicker on the Internet. Try to keep your ebook under ten dollars or it may not sell as quick or the number of ebook sales will be low. If you can sell your ebooks under five dollars then your sales will probably increase because many people will purchase ebooks that are priced for only a couple of dollars. The price of your ebook will be related to the information contained in the ebook. For example if you are writing about computers that include technical information then the price of that ebook would be higher then a cook book recipe ebook.

7. Exposure is the only way to sell your ebooks in large quantities everyday. Get your ebooks listed on Amazon, Ebay, LuLu, ebookmall and Mobipocket and as many online ebook stores as you can. I believe that the best place to start is LuLu for self publishing your ebooks and then take your ebooks and list them on Mobipocket because there are many online ebook stores that list Mobipocket's ebooks automatically when you first list them on Mobipocket. After a period of time you can request that Mobipocket list your ebooks on Amazon, which will really make your ebook sales, explode. Another way to gain more online exposure is to write articles about some of the information in your ebooks and put links in the author's resource box of the books that you have listed for sale. Ezine articles have excellent rankings on the search engines and will give you great exposure online. The two most important points on selling one million ebooks on the internet is to have many ebooks for sale and having them listed on many Websites, Blogs, Articles and online ebook stores as possible.

Tags: your ebook, million ebooks, your ebooks, selling million ebooks, selling million, that have