Contracts protect painters and their clients.
When you accept a painting job as an insured and professional independent painting contractor, you should use a contract. Using a contract seals the deal while protecting you and the client. The contract is a binding legal document that is signed by both you and the homeowner. Both you and the homeowner must act according to the contract; if one party does not, the signed contract will hold up in court to protect the wronged party.
1. Move to the top right-hand side of the screen of a word-processing document to start creating the contract, and write the date. Do this according to what day the contract is being created, not what day you will begin the work.
2. Move down four spaces, center, and enlarge your text. Type your business name, hit return, still centered, reset text size to normal, then fill in your full name. Hit return, still centered, and fill in your address, hitting return for each line of the address. Add the phone number where you can be reached, including area code, below the last line of your address, keeping the text centered.
3. Hit enter four times to move down the page. Reset the text to the left. Type in the homeowners' name and address, followed by their phone number, hitting return for each line but keeping the text aligned to the left for all of the client information.
4. Choose to keep text aligned to the left or to center it for the job description. Describe what room you will be painting, the dimensions of the room if known, and what specifically the owner wants done, being specific on what the homeowners' wishes are.
5. Move down the page two spaces, then list all the supplies you will need to purchase to do the job. List the price of the supplies and the quantity needed.
6. Drop down two spaces, then create a list of totals, such as the total cost of the supplies needed, the total cost of gas, if you charge for gas, and the total amount of labor you will charge. Write out how payment is expected, whether up-front or when the job is done, under the total job cost. For instance, you might choose to have the homeowner pay the cost of supplies up front with the rest due on the date of completion.
7. Go over the contract agreement with the homeowner before beginning the job or getting any supplies. Read the contract with the home owner, making sure it is understood. Offer the homeowner a pen, allow him to sign the contract, then sign the contract yourself.
Tags: total cost, aligned left, cost supplies, down page, each line, fill your