Make Successful Friends and Keep Them
We all like to have friends, but there is an old saying you can never have too many friends.
In my line of work I help people to get from point A to point B. This means I help people get to where they want to be. I came across someone who did not want to go somewhere but wanted to meet people that had gone places. Well, that is different.
In my journey to help this person reach their goal, I learned some things I would like to share with you all.
1. I will say this, what movie stars look like on TV is NOT the way they look in everyday life. And they don't enjoy being gawked at, yelled at, screamed at or touched, so keep that in mind. It also helps to be in the right place at the right time.
Most successful people or Movie Stars are trying to blend in and those around them allow them to do so. A friendship is not made overnight. However, just being another person in the entourage will not do it for you. There must be value that you bring.
2. Improve the odds in your favor. Get around people that are moving and making things happen. Successful people are known by the number of successful people they know. So if you are in the banking business you would want to get to know more people in that industry. Odds are that as you begin to meet others that your rise to meeting those that have a lot of influence will increase. It only takes one of your friends to know that one successful persons that opens the door to you.
3. Remember you can not attract what you are not. You may be able to piggyback off some of your friends and get some knowledge, wisdom and ideas but eventually, you will have to produce on your own merit.
Birds of a feather REALLY do flock together and you cannot fake it for long. You can create a force that will attract the kind of people you want to meet however, there is a law of repulsion. Which means you will deflect or repulse those you are not similar too.
4. You must understand that you get more from people indirectly then you do directly. This means that if you are a good friend to the friends you have in your life now, you will attract more friends to you. eventually you will be surrounded by successful and famous people.
The key is to genuinely appreciate what others do and express how impressed you are with them and their accomplishments. this will bring back compliments to you and your accomplishments. Everyone is well aware that if people are impressed with you they talk about you in the circles of friends that they have. We are never aware of the far reaching circles of friendship.
5. Back to giving compliments, people are always interested in hearing that a new diet is paying off or their new hair style has been noticed. Compliments go along way in helping you to stand out in the minds of those you are trying to meet.
It is also very important to remember that fake compliments will backfire. No one likes to be tricked into liking you. Study and research the people you are trying to meet and pay attention to details. If you are not truly interested in the subject matter, you can at least know about it and have an intelligent reason why this does not interest you. People are more apt to like someone who is honest than someone who is phony.
6. One of the main things that attracts people to you is a deep sense to be respected. You can also show respect to all people and even those that will not like your style will find themselves respecting you.
Let me say this that most achievers are people that make others feel important and do things for others. Most unhappy people or should I say unfulfilled people are those waiting for someone to do something for them. They want to get something for nothing. This attitudes goes against the Law of reaping and sowing. You only reap what you have sown and just like a harvest you will reap more than what you have sown.
7. Lastly, This is a key not to be overlooked. Give of yourself without expecting anything in return. Mostly likely when you least expect it and are not looking for it, you will begin to receive from unexpected sources.
Just think about the movie stars that get thousand dollar dresses and the successful people that get their projects funded. This occurs because they have paid their dues and were not sure that it would ever pay off. Although they may have dreamed that success would come their way, they had no guarantees but that did not stop them.
Tags: people that, they have, eventually will, Friends Keep, Friends Keep Them, have sown, help people