Marketing plans aren't worth the paper they're printed on if you don't implement them. Assimilate your new marketing activities into your regular schedule to ensure results. Coordinate your team's marketing efforts to avoid overlap and stay on schedule. Creating a system with frequent feedback will help correct bad behavior. In the end, you must hold yourself and your company accountable to the marketing objectives.
Routine Integration
Several factors could stop you and your company from implementing your marketing plan, including a current heavy workload. Small business owners have to wear many hats that involve separate time-draining activities, preventing them from implementing new marketing initiatives. Block out time to execute marketing tasks, outlined in your plan -- daily, or at least three times a week. If you don't transform marketing practices into a habit, your results could suffer.
Efficient Coordination
If you have a team implementing your marketing plan, assign a coordinator to oversee the activities. This will help prevent unmet objectives and overkill situations. For example, you may find most of your team is working on ad campaigns, when no one is minding your channel partners. A good coordinator will prioritize the importance of each activity and assign them to individuals who excel in that area.
Systematic Review
Once the marketing implementation process has begun, track its progress. Marketing strategies rarely work exactly according to plan, so adapting to unexpected events will be necessary. Establish a system that gives feedback frequently without being overly critical to your team. Consider data-only reporting like systems linked to progress bar charts to illustrate the progress already achieved, as they relate to larger goals. This helps facilitate good habits specifically related to the marketing plan objectives.
Your marketing plan's success is directly tied to how accountable your company is to its success. Procrastination, lack of belief in the marketing concepts, as well as assuming task completion, are all reasons why plans fail. Monitor results using systematic review processes to find weak links and areas to improve. Tie different plan objectives to specific individuals. This may improve individual performance because their reputation and work ethic are now associated with the objective's outcome.
Tags: marketing plan, your company, your marketing, your team, from implementing, implementing your