Plan the design of the job fair flyer before printing and using it
Designing a job fair flyer can be somewhat difficult without any guidance, as the options are endless. To create an influential and effective job fair flyer, it is important that it has relevant information on it and that it catches the eye of the typical job hunter. It is also important that it appeals to its target audience, so the right people notice the job fair flyer.
1. Decide how large the flyer will be. If the flyer will be 5.5 inches by 8.5 inches, design space is limited. Having a larger flyer, such as 11 inches by 17 inches, provides more freedom to design.
2. Create a job flyer template on the computer. For example, the designer can use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or Paint to create the flyer. Open a new document and use the page layout option to arrange the paper so it fits the wished size.
3. Add logos to the job fair template. Choose the top 10 highly-recognized companies that will be at the job fair offering jobs or information to curious job seekers. Logos are important for job fair flyers, as company logos are what attracts people to look at the job flyer. For example, a job fair where Coca-Cola, a large international company, is present may not only attract more job seekers but also give the job fair a sense of credibility.
4. Create a list of all of the companies that will be at the job fair. If it takes up much space, consider placing the entire list on the back of the flyer. Make sure to highlight the most prominent or well-known companies to attract people.
5. Add relevant contact and venue information. Make sure to mention where the job fair is, the date of the fair and the hours of operation. Also, add any telephone numbers or email addresses, where people can get more information regarding the job fair.
6. Make a list of things that job seekers can expect at the job fair. For example, explain that job seekers can talk to prominent companies regarding a possible position or future career. Also, explain if people can ask common questions or get general employment advice.
7. Design the flyer with the above mentioned information, so it looks appealing. Do this by adding color, borders and images. Although the company logos may have some color, it may not be enough to be appealing from a distance. Take an occasional look at the flyer from a distance to determine what looks best.
8. Use a readable font and appropriate images to advertise the job fair. Do not use images that could be misinterpreted or a font that cannot be read by people with vision problems.
Tags: fair flyer, companies that, companies that will, company logos, flyer will