Friday, September 19, 2014

The Advantages Of Media On Children

Watching educational programming on television may help your child with literacy and numeracy.

Innovations first seen in the last decades of the 20th century have changed perceptions of media forever. The computer and the Internet joined traditional sources such as TV, radio and print as a way to receive entertainment and information. With such diverse mediums and purposes, media can have a beneficial effect on children by providing a wider variety of information and viewpoints.

Educational and Intellectual Benefits

Media provides benefits to children through television shows that promote problem-solving skills, numeracy and literacy. For example, "Sesame Street" shows the benefits of forming friendships with peers. It also teaches children basic math and literacy skills. Some video games are also educational and help a child discover colors, instruments, animals and much more.

Enhancing Social Skills

With the proper feedback and monitoring social media websites, such as MySpace and Facebook, can enhance your child's social skills, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. They will become gradually aware of social norms and what is expected of them during interaction with others. Even though this is a benefit, the academy recommends you should limit the time children spend on social media websites and balance it with human interaction.

Creating Cultural Links

Once children become teenagers or young adults, many will remember their childhood TV shows as part of their growth experience. By discussing their favorite childhood TV shows, teenagers and young adults form bonds with their peers. They reminisce about and share their experiences with the TV shows. Through this process, they create stronger friendships.

Creating Their Own

Creating media, not just consuming it, will foster a more analytic approach to media in children. Encourage children to volunteer at the local radio or television station. Have them explore their world through taking photographs and posting them to social media sharing websites. Encourage children to write by starting their own blog and sharing their thoughts and feelings on a variety of topics: music, film and politics, for example.

Tags: social media, childhood shows, Encourage children, media websites, social media websites