Monday, September 1, 2014

Use Twitter For Your Business

Use Twitter for Your Business

Get with the times, folks. Twitter is a newer social networking/blogging tool that lets you send status notices through your cell phone, instant messenger or via the Web to notify friends and followers of the little things you're up to during the day. The thing is, you can only use 140 characters per "Tweet."

Sounds like it's just for teens, right? Not so. It's great for small businesses too!


1. Network online. As a writer, I communicate with others in the creative industry. This benefits me when I need sources for a story or a designer for a project. While you may not be able to get "work" off Twitter, it's always a great networking and support tool.

2. Pay attention to Tweets. Tweets are messages you can post and that you see from others. You never know who needs what, which is why I recommend adding friends from your industry. Someone may request the exact service or product that you provide.

3. Be professional. It's important if you're using Twitter for business to not to bash a client or customer--at least by name. Be as professional as possible. If you work solo you represent yourself. But if you're in a business with someone else and using Twitter to promote your business, it's best to keep your Tweets business-focused.

4. Keep clients posted. If you give clients your username, or they follow you, you can use this tool to update them on the project. While I do not do this or recommend it (personal contact works best and not everyone "gets" Twitter), I know others who do.

Tags: project While, Twitter Your, Twitter Your Business, using Twitter