Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Write An Advertisement For A Dental Practice

Patients want to build trusting relationships with their dentists.

Good advertising is key to the success of any dental practice. An effective ad will stick in the mind of the reader, so the next time she has to go to the dentist, your name will spring to mind. Writing ad copy may seem intimidating at first, but with a little effort you can write an advertisement that may have patients lining up for appointments.


1. Find as many ads for dentist's offices as you can and make a list of features that stand out to you. Take note of which ads seem more effective than others and consider possible reasons why.

2. Ask yourself what your dental practice in particular has to offer customers. Do you provide any special services? If you have been in business for a long time, that information may help build trust with potential patients.

3. According to businessknowhow.com, a patient tends to think in a "relational" way in regard to his dentist. In other words, a patient want to build a relationship with a dentist he can trust, rather than just find a good deal. Including testimonials from past patients will help build trust with the person reading your ad.

4. Write a first draft of the text (also called copy) of your ad. Get feedback from friends and co-workers and keep revising until you're satisfied. Make certain to include the dentist's name, office address and phone number.

5. Consider the venues where you want your ad to appear. Newspapers, public transportation, the Internet and the yellow pages are all common places to find advertising for a dentist's office, and all have different requirements.

6. Research the requirements for your chosen venue. The size of your ad and the graphic requirements will vary depending on where you want it published.

7. Using your chosen image-editing software, design the first draft of your ad. Try to make it eye-catching and easy to read. Contact information should be clearly visible and stand out from the rest of the copy. Again, get feedback and revise until you feel it's ready to publish. Make sure that the format of your ad fits the requirements of wherever it will be published.

8. Contact the ad sales department of your chosen venue and place your ad.

Tags: your chosen, build trust, build trust with, chosen venue, dental practice, first draft