For a dentist, merely being good at what you do is not enough. Retaining clients takes more than simple follow-ups. A marketing campaign can bring in new clients and maintain your relationship with current ones. It's not difficult to build and retain a booming dental practice.
This can be a simple and cost-effective way to have clients find you rather than competitors. A website should have information a potential client would want to know: location, hours, specialty and credentials. Make sure the phone number is prominent and a map to your office is available. A more complex website would offer a e-zine or newsletter discussing dental health, products and specials. These marketing tools allow you to save money on regular mail, and your customers can forward it to someone who is searching for a dentist.
A good referral remains the strongest prospect for any business, especially in the dental field. If you are good, referrals may just happen, but a smart marketing tool is to offer a discount on a patient's next cleaning if he brings in two friends. Be sure to send your patients a note thanking them for referring you and reminding them of the discount.
Reminding patients of upcoming checkups and appointments is a vital expense. Mail out reminder cards (or offer email as an alternative) and make phone calls several days before the appointment. Just as dentists tell their patients not to neglect their teeth, dentists need to not neglect their patients.
Community Campaign
Don't forget newspaper ads, brochures, mass mailings and a listing in the Yellow Pages. Consider sponsoring local sports teams, joining the Chamber of Commerce and becoming involved with charity groups to ensure your marketing remains consistent and constant. It takes time to build a brand; as a dentist, your name is your brand. The more your community hears about you and your practice, the more people will trust you.
Tags: neglect their, their patients