Sample Supervisor Job Description
Samples of supervisor job descriptions may be found at many human resources support sites as well as directly at job search sites. These resources show the job description writer what types of salaries compared to job duties you are competing against. The interview process starts with the job posting, and the entire sequence is a two-way exchange of information. Your firm wants to know if you have a qualified candidate, and by your job posting and interview methods, you are telling the candidate about your company as well.
Candidates and companies should expect supervisory positions to demand more field experience as well as a demonstrated record of expertise in both the field and in managing people than you find for regular or even senior worker positions in the same field. Supervisors are often the first rank of interface between the workers and management; the job description should stress both sides of this position.
General Supervisor
In any situation, the supervisor must be a reliable worker. Frequently absent or tardy supervisors will have a hard time enforcing attendance rules on their subordinates. Your job description for a supervisor must be clear and should include phrases such as: "Good work history" or "Superior attendance record."
Line Supervisor
Your choice for a line supervisor must understand the work or process being supervised. Most line supervisors rise from the ranks of the hourly workers and have a solid grasp of the task. This may be important to your company, as many sites require the line supervisor to train or oversee the training of new workers. The job description you post must include clearly defined minimums of performance or demonstrated expertise in the field. "Senior-level line workers" or "Must have at least 10 years direct experience" are unmistakable descriptors for the level of experience required.
Technical Supervisors
Even more than the line supervisors, your technical supervisors must be able to show their knowledge in the field of work. Many employers define this by having education goals such as: "Minimum associate degree (in the field)" or "Must have journeyman's license to apply." When you specify a degree in a science, be clear on whether a three-year technical degree is acceptable or whether you require a four-year bachelor of science degree. In many cases, the three-year technical degree is sufficient for the job while commanding a lower salary. If the position is the first step on a management track where a four-year degree is required at higher levels, make the four-year degree requirement clear in this job description.
Management Interface
Because supervisors are often the primary go-between operating between management and the workers, your supervisor job description must clearly define management functions, such as "Will be responsible for hiring and firing workers," "Responsible for weekly quotas" or "Handles parts and overtime budgets."
Supervisors Need to Know the Basics of the Position
As with any other employee, supervisors need to know the position's hours, pay range, any travel requirements or physical demands. Do not forget to include those details when writing the job description, even if the description runs long.
Tags: supervisor must, four-year degree, line supervisor, line supervisors, Must have