Marketing for construction
Whether in the remodeling business or new construction, you always run into plenty of competition for construction work. Marketing ensures that you have plenty of work, even when construction jobs are scarce. Use a variety of marketing efforts. This gets your name out much more quickly to a larger audience.
Prioritize Customers
In the construction business, it takes only a few good customers to make up the substantial part of your income. Define who your best customers are and stage your advertising around them. Narrowing your prospects ensures that your marketing dollars do not go to waste.
Localize Marketing
When you are on-site in a lived-in neighborhood, there are potential customers all around. Place a sign on the corner with your name and tag line. Distribute door hangers that tell a little more about your services. You can even ring doorbells while placing door hangers to present a more personal message.
Create a Website
You need an online presence. Your website should have contact information and a digital resume. Feature your best work and let your potential customers know what your benefits are. Include customer testimonials and your own credentials. Include pricing and information on the costs of building and remodeling.
Become an Expert
If you have worked in construction very long, you are sure to have a few tips and tricks in your pocket. Offer a newsletter with advice and information. A weekly or monthly email newsletter doesn't cost much and keeps you on your customers' minds. Write blogs and articles for placement online with your name and website listed in the "About the Author" section. You may need to hire a writer; to keep costs low, hire a local college student at a lower price than a professional.
Reward Referrals
Referrals are one of the best ways to gain customers. Offer your current customers a gift card or cash when they bring you business. When your business is strong and your customer service is excellent, the referrals will not be hard to come by. Print business cards to make referrals easy for your customers. Simply hand out extras and ask customers to give them out when referring your business to others.
Sell Your Specialty
Your company provides a service in a way that others do not. You may work special hours that accommodate customers better. You may have a large crew and finish jobs in amazingly short periods. Or you may do specialty work that is not offered in your area. However you are unique, advertise that quality by talking about it or creating a tag line that can be placed on marketing materials such as door hangers and business cards.
Tags: door hangers, your name, business cards, ensures that, potential customers, with your, with your name