Friday, July 3, 2015

Offline Advertising Ideas

Offline advertising is an effective way to increase sales.

Offline advertising refers to any advertising methods that are not performed via the internet. Online marketing has become an entity unto itself, so now it is necessary to differentiate between the two. And while more and more advertising dollars are being poured into online advertising, offline advertising is still an effective way to increase sales and revenue.

Television and Radio

Advertising on television and radio has been around for decades, and for good reason. TV and and radio commercials account for billions of dollars in advertising spending every year. They can be a costly option depending on when and where you'd like your ads to be seen and heard, but they are still very effective.


Mailing fliers is a way to get your marketing message right into your prospect's mailbox. Sometimes fliers are overlooked or considered "junk mail," but if you create it to showcase the benefits of your product or service, you will have more success.

Direct Mail

Direct mail refers to sales letters, advertorials and other long formats of persuasive writing that are designed to sell a product or service through the mail. They will usually consist of a letter, an insert or two and an order form. The copywriter will often include teaser copy on the envelope to get you to open it, then a compelling headline to draw you into the letter. Many businesses rent mailing lists so they can mail sales letters to people in their target market.

Print Advertising

Print advertising refers to placing ads in newspapers, magazines and other publications. Generally, an ad will be placed in a section of the newspaper that complements the product, such as a fax machine in the business section. Or, a company will place their ad in a magazine with the same theme as the product or service offered.


Networking with business colleagues and acquaintances is a time-honored tradition that takes the pressure of the typical business environment away. Closing the big deal over a game of golf is one way of networking. Your local chamber of commerce can offer other effective networking ideas.

Referral Program

One offline advertising idea that requires little work and money is to create a referral program. Give your current customers an incentive such as a discount on merchandise to refer friends and family to your business.

Tags: product service, advertising refers, effective increase, effective increase sales, increase sales, sales letters