Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Explain The Treasury Department To Kids

The U.S. Department of the Treasury can be difficult for an adult to fully understand, so the thought of explaining it to a child may seem challenging. The department has several functions---all of which are essential to the government. Teaching your child about this topic doesn't have to be intimidating, and it can be a fun activity. Through a variety of interactive tasks, your child can become well-informed about the Department of the Treasury.


1. Create play money with your child. You can make play dollars and coins on the computer or with a pencil and paper. Cut out the money and let your child color it. Explain to her that the Department of Treasury is responsible for the printing of paper money using the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and the manufacturing of coins through the U.S. Mint. Visit bep.treas.gov and usmint.gov/kids for cartoons and interactive games.

2. Assign your child a job. Let him help you clean the house or take out the trash. Explain to your child that by working, he'll earn money. At the end of the day or week, pay your child with the play money. A fun way to do this is by writing a check on blank paper and then "cashing" it for him.

3. Tax your child's earnings. Take a percentage out of your child's play money. Tell her that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the branch of the Department of Treasury responsible for enforcing tax laws, such as taxing income. If you have a pay stub that you're willing to show your child, show her the different types of taxes: federal, state, and FICA (Medicaid and Social Security).

4. View media resources. If your child is old enough, watch the portion of the news dedicated to the economy. Encourage her to ask questions about the reports. Take your child to a library or bookstore. Ask a clerk to help you locate books on the history of money and the United States Treasury. Read the books with your child and create a worksheet asking questions about the reading. Discuss the answers.

Tags: your child, Department Treasury, play money, Department Treasury responsible, paper money