Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Internet Money Making Machine Marketing Strategies

The Internet provides many opportunities to make money, however, so many options are available that many people have trouble of knowing where to start. Start with some proven strategies and you will see the Internet money-making machine become a reality.

Pick a Product or Service -- Or an Affiliate Program

If you don't have your own product or service to sell, consult one or more of the companies that handle affiliate programs for multiple sellers. Some of these companies include Commission Junction, Clickbank and Shareasale. An affiliate program is a program where a product or service owner pays you a percent of all sales. The benefit of an affiliate program is that you don't have to create a product or service. In addition, the owner normally provides promotional material for you. Your primary objective is to connect potential buyers with the owner of the product or service owner. This can be accomplished by driving traffic to the affiliate owner's site using Internet marketing strategies such as article writing and syndication, video creation and syndication and linking social media sites to the affiliate owner's site.

List Creation and Marketing

One of your most valuable assets is a list of potential buyers you've obtained by giving away something free and building a list of purchasers. Make this part of your overall plan if you are selling your own products or information. Once you have a list, you can periodically mail to your list and continually harvest more sales.

Joint Ventures

If you have your own product or service, joint ventures are one of the fastest ways to launch an Internet money-making strategy. Secure joint venture partners who have their own list and will email to that list offering your products or services for a percent of sales. The advantage of this strategy is you don't need to have your own list and you are leveraging off of the relationship your joint venture partner already has with those on his list.


Invest in advertising if your budget permits it. Two popular options include using Google Adwords or Facebook advertising. Google Adwords ads appear on the right-hand side of the Google search engine page when the searcher enters a search term. You only pay for Google Adwords ads when a searcher clicks on an ad. This type of advertising is called pay-per-click.

Tags: product service, Google Adwords, have your, affiliate owner, affiliate owner site