Monday, December 22, 2014

Follow Fcc Radio Station Regulations

Follow FCC Radio Station Regulations

Starting a business is a challenge but making sure that you do it right in the beginning makes a huge difference to keeping it running. A new radio station has the usual business license requirements but also a series of regulations the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires. Broadcasting any kind of civilian signal is covered by the FCC.


1. Read the regulations out of the federal code. The rules for radio stations and rules that apply to all broadcast stations provide all the information you need on the specifics that you need to follow when running a radio station.

2. Work for a radio station for at least a year and learn as much as you can about the rules and regulations the FCC has for broadcasting on radio airwaves. Spend extra time with the station manager and the censor to glean as much information as possible.

3. Make a friend at the FCC in the department that enforces the radio regulations. Ask her any questions you have on make sure a new station complies with the regulations and use her as a sort of living index. Ask her any questions you have about the code that you don't understand.

4. Talk to a station owner or manager. Ask him any specific questions you have and anything in particular with which that station has had an issue.

5. Hire a compliance officer. Having an individual on your staff with the experience to know what to do and do it makes a difference.

Tags: questions have, radio station, Follow Radio, Follow Radio Station, Radio Station, Radio Station Regulations